

Tuesday 31 December 2013


Freyja's daddy got a new ottoman for Christmas.  It came in a big cardboard box.  The cardboard box sat unopened in Freyja's living-room because her parents were too exhausted from all the holiday celebrations to unpack it.

The next morning, Freyja's daddy and momma found her stabbing the cardboard box containing the ottoman repeatedly with her momma's metal nail file.

"Freyja! What are you doing?" her daddy gasped.

Freyja, clutching the nail file in her tiny yet mighty fist which she held above her head as though in mid-stab, replied cheerfully, "Just training."

Monday 30 December 2013

Welcome! We're All Superhero Witches Here

It is a good day to start blogging because Freyja had a lot to say today.

First, here's a little bit about Freyja: she will four at the end of January. She has an alter-ego called "Super-Puppy".  As Super-Puppy, Freyja often narrates her life in the third-person. For a shocking twist, Super-Puppy is in fact a cat. Freyja loves watching all kinds of cartoons, but her current favourites include Digimon, Muppet Babies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon, and Power-Puff Girls. Freyja enjoys arts and crafts, and playing all kinds of games.

Anyway, here's what Freyja had to say today:

  • "We're all superhero witches."
  •  "Sometimes, I think 'Miss Piggy' isn't a good name, so, sometimes, I call her 'Piggy the Eyeballer'." 
  • "Every dad has magic, but when the baby grows up, the magic loads out of him. Strange, huh?"